Paratopia 001: Whitley Strieber

Oh, hey! I forgot to publish this here when it hit or dropped or smashed the like button–whatever the jargon is these days–last Friday. Here are the Apple/iTunes and Youtube feeds for it. Whitley Strieber takes questions over a bed of seagulls and ocean waves. What could be better for your ears?

Not one. Damned. Thing. That’s what.


Oh, and one more thing: please note that wherever you ultimately decide to listen to Paratopia, it will be through the Our Undoing Radio feed, NOT the defunct Paratopia feed that seems to live forever on the internets.

Oh, and one more-more thing: Tell a friend. Review it. Smash that like button. This only takes flight again if you throw it in the air like a balsa wood toy airplane. Tis fragile, this Paratopia.


Communion, Transformation, and a ton of other books author, Whitley Strieber, joins Jeff Ritzmann and Jeremy Vaeni for a thought-provoking kickoff featuring more seagulls and crashing waves than an ear deserves to hear!


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